Tuition centre at Hougang Central
Looking for tutors to teach:
50% of 4 weeks belong to agency fee ( 1 time only)
Code : T147
Group Tuition
Max 12 student
Full Time tutors, current or ex teachers
1.5hr per lesson
4pm-530pm P3 Eng
5.45pm-7.15pm P4 Eng
7.30pm-9pm P6 Eng
4pm-530pm P3 P5 Science
5.45pm-7.15pm P3 Math
7.30pm-9pm P4 Science
9.15am-10.45am P6 Science
11am-12.30pm P5 Math
1pm-2.30pm P4 Math
Rate at $30 -depend size of class up to $50
Prefer what type of tutors.
Min requirement: min 3 years of teaching.
Able to commit min 6 months.
Interested Candidates Please Whatsapp Jason @ 92479375 or message to Slack @jason